Saturday, April 14, 2012

Welcome Saturday!

Beginning each Monday, I am in countdown mode to Saturday.  I am sure that I am not the only one who does this, at least I hope that I am not the only one.  Even if I have no plans whatsoever (which is the case most Saturdays), this day of the week is like a wonderful dream come Monday morning.  Sleeping in, staying in pajamas until the evening time when we make a run to the store, just sitting on the sofa with a couple of snoring dogs and a great husband by my side...this is what I look forward to.

This Saturday found me snapping some new photos of a few of my journals and cards, with some family photos from the 1940s on loan from our friends Cody and Katie as props to add a little something special.  Aren't the photos of Katie's grandmother and twin sister gorgeous?


This photo features a couple of seed pods collected by my husband.  The red seed pod is coral bean (Erythrina herbacea) and the other seed pod is rattlebox (Sesbania drummondii).  If you shake the rattlebox seed pod, it makes a rattling sound so the name is very fitting.

And since I was taking photos anyway, I decided that I would also snap a photo of a grackle feather that I found last week.  Isn't the iridescence gorgeous?  I decided that it would make a perfect cover photo for my Facebook page.



  1. Trust me, you aren't the only one waiting for Saturday (or the weekend) all week... Love these new photos! Old family pictures are always hidden gems!

  2. Great idea to use the old photos! As usual, your pics looks classy and beautiful :-)
